by Patricia Onyango | Dec 8, 2021 | Latest News
Authors: Ramya Kulkarni (CRP-GLDC MEL Team) and Jean Claude Rubyogo, Leader, Flagship Program 6: Common Bean for Markets and Nutrition For reduced market barriers, diversified enterprise and livelihood opportunities. How are youth being gainfully employed as...
by Patricia Onyango | Jul 1, 2021 | Latest News
By: Owen Kimani, Boaz Waswa, Eileen Nchanji, Josey Kamanda, Justin Mabeya, Patricia Onyango and David Karanja The average age of a Kenyan farmer is approximately 60 years. With a growing human population, the demand for food is subsequently increasing. There is a need...
by Patricia Onyango | Jun 21, 2021 | Africa, Latest News
Boaz Waswa, Josey Kamanda, Justin Mabeya, Eileen Nchanji, David Karanja, Patricia Onyango, Owen Kimani She wonders why she has to go through the tedious ritual of hitting the bean harvest using sticks to put food on her family’s table! “My hands are hard and...
by Patricia Onyango | Mar 19, 2020 | Latest News
In one hour the machine threshes 8 bags of beans, consuming one litre of petrol with a maximum of 3 people to operate. About one-third of Africa’s nearly 500 million youth aged 15-35 are unemployed. The high rate of youth unemployment remains a critical concern for...
by Patricia Onyango | Sep 26, 2018 | Partnership
By Eileen Bogweh Nchanji and Grace Nanyonjo ‘Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.’ Women empowerment is cited as one of the pathways through which agriculture can improve nutrition. In most African countries, women are...