Monitoring and Evaluation
To do this, we collect data from the 350+ partners who implement PABRA work every year and work with their representatives to review progress and performance against annual targets.
Knowledge and information database
The fruits of PABRA’s M&E efforts can be found in our knowledge and information database. Content is updated regularly, providing a real time situation on PABRA’s bean research and development work.
The database is organized according to themes and specific indicators of interest to PABRA and CIAT: – breeding, seed systems, integrated crop management, capacity building, and nutrition.
In it, you can find information about: bean varieties bred and released; seed production and distribution; crop management technologies promoted to farmers; and data on the knowledge and skills provided to beneficiaries.
A regularly updated dashboard under data synthesis provides ‘quick glance’ information about frequently requested data such as variety release trends over time, yield levels, beneficiaries over time and emerging topics of interest to the PABRA community and stakeholders.
Monitoring and Evaluation is primarily carried out in country by implementing partners, key amongst these are the national bean programs through the process set out below.
How we monitor and evaluate PABRA
PABRA follows a complete process to create effective performance data and information for decision making and lesson learning. Activities include:
- Impact pathway: An impact pathway (or logic model) sets out the desired impact and development objectives of a project and how they will be achieved. At the beginning of each project we work with national research programs and development partners to develop an impact pathway. PABRA uses a results based management approach, which enables us to define more precisely and rigorously the development objectives of our programs and projects; ensuring that we are better able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the funding and support we give to our implementing partners as well as broadening the capacity to report on achieved results.
- Performance measurement framework: Next, we work with national research programs and development partners to define a measurement plan for how the project will achieve the development objectives set out in the impact pathway. This includes agreeing roles and responsibilities as well as baselines, targets, data collection, reporting and communication of results.
- Performance Reporting: Once the performance measurement framework has been established, we develop a reporting structure, for implementing partners to use for periodic and regular performance reporting. The reporting structure is developed after the annual work plan, the logic model and the agreed targets present in the Performance Measurement Framework.
PABRA supports M&E activities through:
- Developing monitoring tools for data collection: We work with regional leaders to develop data collection tools, methods and approaches. In 2014 we embarked on ICT approaches for data collection because of the obvious benefits on effectiveness and efficiencies. The developed data collection tools (IPTT, IDCT) are available online and we work with implementing partners to promote their use in country.
- M&E awareness and skill building: We seek to improve the monitoring and evaluation practice of our implementing partners and data quality by organizing tailor made trainings in data collection, analysis and reporting using ICT applications and tools, methods and approaches developed by PABRA. Data collection and quality is further enhanced by guides and manuals, and in country visits to implementing partners and small holder farmers to confirm data and information reported. We also rely on CIAT scientists who technically support implementing partners to confirm data and information.
- Supporting the documentation of good practice: There are examples of good practice across the PABRA network – where an activity or approach has been proven to work well and produce good results. We support our partners to document examples of good practice so they can be recommended – and adopted – across the network.