by Administrator | May 14, 2017 | Beans, CGIAR, Ethiopia, Kenya, PABRA20, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Uncategorized
Citation PABRA. 2017. Transforming agriculture for better incomes and diets in Africa. Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance – PABRA . Uganda. 4 p. Permanent link to this item: AGROVOC Keywords BEANS; PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L.; PLANT...
by Administrator | Jan 11, 2017 | Beans, CGIAR, CIAT, Ethiopia, Kenya, PABRA, Tanzania, Uganda
When Harriet Aber entered the LovePulses Showcase competition with her special bean-amaranth energy bar, she never imagined it would take her from Uganda to Chicago.Yet her novel and nutritious snack won her second place in the LovePulses...
by Administrator | Oct 6, 2016 | Beans, PABRA, Uganda
In the dry afternoon breeze, Clare Mukankusi pulls on a light khaki lab coat. The 18 acre plot at Kawanda, part of Uganda’s National Agricultural Research Organization, is remote and quite. She shares a few words with one of the field technicians, laughing as she...
by Administrator | Aug 29, 2016 | Beans, Kenya, PABRA, Uganda
A research project tackling malnutrition among vulnerable populations in Kenya and Uganda was launched in Nairobi on April 5th, 2016. The three-year initiative targeting women aged 15-49 years of reproductive age, and children aged 6−59 months, aims to develop a...
by Administrator | Dec 10, 2013 | Beans, CGIAR, Kenya, PABRA, Partnership, Uganda
Adapting agriculture to the adverse effects of climate change is vital, none more so for smallholder farmers who tend to suffer the brunt of varying temperatures and rainfall patterns. PABRA bean breeder, Clare Mukankusi, reports on how a participatory action research...