The increase in the productivity of the agricultural sector is prioritized by many countries in Africa and the private sector plays a key role in mobilizing knowledge, technologies from research, and factors of production to close the productivity gap of African agriculture. The growing role of the private sector in agricultural and food policies is critical especially to determine what factors to prioritize.
Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance – PABRA in partnership with various private sector companies and organizations from East, South, West Africa came together in July to discuss how to strengthen various nodes of the bean value chain in order to increase food, nutrition, and income of the smallholder farmers in Africa.
The one-day event drew about 80 collaborators from various fields of Mechanization, value addition, markets, seed systems, Information technology, etc. Various presenters highlighted below led interactive discussions with participants at the event. These were to determine what was working, the gaps that were experienced along the bean value chain, and how to address these gaps.
Mechanizing Bean Work:
- Alfred Chengula, Imara Tech Ltd
Grain marketing
- Grace Mijinga, Malawi Grain traders association;
Bean Processing
- Primrose Mtombeni, Healthy Foods
- Kapumpe Musakanya, Mushili beans
Seed Systems
- Simpamba, Yanza Amanza,
- Charles Katabalwa, CEDO
Agro-Input Services
- Nehemiah Amollo. Magos Agrovet
- Makina Demeter, Demeter Seed and Farmers World
ICT in Agriculture
- Leonard Kachebonaho, Karagwe Development & Relief Services (KADERES);
- Sheila Alumo, Eastern Agricultural Development Co Ltd-EADC
Rachel Muthoni, Monitoring Evaluation & Learning Specialist
14:00 – 14:10 Introduction & Introduction to PABRA – JC, PABRA Director
14:10 – 14:40 Moderated presentations – Mechanizing bean work; Grain marketing, Bean Processing, Seed systems, Bean seed business; Agro-inputs services; ICT in agriculture; bean product processing;
14:40 – 15:00 Q&A
15:00 – 15:30 Moderated discussion
15:30 – 16:00 Way Forward
16:00 – 16:15 Closing remarks